Global Church Declaration


The Holy Spirit has united us not only to Jesus Christ but also to his body, which spans the globe. Together we seek to understand what God is doing in and through the Global Church around the world and to ask: Is there something to be done using our combined expertise to develop and strengthen leaders of the Global Church and inspire them to greater vision?

The Global Church has been around since Pentecost. Some Global Churches are international. Some Global Churches are national. Both are needed to reach the nations. Could we become encouragers of one another, and equipped through our relationships to not only engage, but thrive in our unique environments?

On the occasion of the second multi-international church network gathering April 28-May 2, 2019 at the Fellowship Church in Dubai, the Global Church for a Global World together makes these proclamations.


We are Christ centered in all we do

We are all committed to the Kingdom of God and see Jesus at the very center of all we dream, plan or do. We will stay focused on His mission, and pray to be empowered by The Holy Spirit.

We are in a “Global Kairos” moment

We are at a point in history where the Church, and our approach to mission, faces challenges that we have never seen before. There are more people on the move today than at any other time in history. The impact of globalization in “city culture”, particularly the challenge of ministering to diaspora people moving about the world, requires new attitudes and strategies in order to equip the church to take a great forward step in the work God has entrusted to our care. We do not want to ‘sit this one out.’ We are committed to getting involved.

We need Global Churches in the right locations, with the right leaders

We discern that both International and National Churches have a new role today. People from “the ends of the earth” are coming to these Churches where they can be equipped and unleashed into their world. For them to be effective as missional oriented Churches it will require the leadership of vibrant, emotionally healthy pastors. Identifying and selecting the right men and women, and placing them in strategically chosen locations will be key. We affirm the values espoused through GCGW and seek to encourage keeping Global Church leaders connected. Of course, lay leaders in the Global Church need effective, informed, empowerment. Therefore, we see that discipleship/education through effective and efficient delivery methods must support the work of Global Churches.

We are willing to partner to accomplish the task

Addressing the challenges and opportunities ahead will require new partnerships and renewed commitments to advance the work of world evangelization. Those who gathered at GCGW demonstrated this. We are gathered feeling called to become story-tellers of what God is doing in the Global Church around the world. We want to commit time, energy and resources to figuring out how we might enable and encourage Global Church leaders to cast and implement missional vision for their congregations so that together, the most difficult areas on the planet will be served.

We will promote and embrace diversity

Understanding that Jesus is in control, we will invite other networks into our work together. We welcome Christ followers from all backgrounds everywhere to embrace the GCGW community. This is a relational strategy and therefore we will raise the importance of networking, and prioritize using resources to that end. Let’s leave our comfort zone and experience the Global Church like we see in the book of Acts.