Member Care Europe - MCE

Localização geográfica



About us

Member Care Europe is committed to working together on behalf of the cross-cultural Christian missions community by helping to provide and develop member care resources within/from Europe.  It is a network of national associations and networks who are committed to working together within the European context.  The roots of Member Care Europe go back to the 1990s when several member care specialists from across Europe met together to consider how they could strengthen both the emerging national member care movements and to cooperate internationally.  In western Europe many of these movements have been able to provide quality member care for a long time but we continue to promote best practice, explore new themes together, and work to support member care movements in eastern and southern Europe.

Our principal activity is the organisation of the biennial European Member Care Consultation, but in between these conferences we continue to be active in promoting communication and collaboration, and supporting one another through organising smaller training events.

Our ministry is coordinated by a Board made up of delegates appointed by their national member care networks, a list of which can be seen here, and the Board appoints an Executive Committee to oversea the day-to-day activities.  A list of our board members can be seen here.

Member Care Europe operates as a network under the oversight of the European Evangelical Mission Association.


Foco do assunto
Missions: Member Care