Memphis Christian Pastors Network – MCPN

Emplacement géographique
Amériques, Amérique du Nord États-Unis

Numéro de téléphone



The Memphis Christian Pastors Network [MCPN] is a fellowship of ethnically and denominationally diverse church pastors who seek faithfully to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and practice the 2nd greatest commandment [Matt. 22:36-39]. MCPN subscribes to the Apostle’s Creed [see appendix 1] as its unifying theological document and actively seeks the peace and well-being of every citizen in Memphis/Shelby County [Jer. 29:1-13]. As pastors we convened on several occasions over the summer of 2016, because of deep concern about national and local reports of race-based injustices regarding policing practices, persistent racial tensions and violence among our neighbors in Memphis/Shelby County. We recognize our need to adequately acknowledge our racial history in the Mid-South and holistically use our influence to address systemic conditions.


Cause sur laquelle vous vous focalisez
City, Urban, Cities, Urban, Pastor's Association