National Association of Evangelicals - NAE

Localización Geográfica
América del Norte Estados Unidos

Número de teléfono



Walter Kim is the new President of the NAE


We work to honor God by connecting and representing evangelical Christians. The NAE represents more than 45,000 local churches from 40 different denominations and serves a constituency of millions.

Currently the NAE works in 4 main areas to connect and represent evangelical Christians in the United States.

Church & Faith Partners
We work to make denominations strong and effective and to support churches and ministries. Our breadth and diversity of partners allow us to organize gatherings, conversations and movements that are unrivaled.

Government Relations
We work through our Office of Government Relations to represent evangelical concerns to the government and to mobilize evangelicals to engage in the public sphere. Our landmark document “For the Health of the Nation: An Evangelical Call to Civic Responsibility” guides the government affairs work. Our Washington staff is instrumental in the formation and defense of key policies of concern to evangelicals.

Chaplains Commission
We work through our Chaplains Commission to provide support and endorsement for evangelicals to minister as chaplains to three branches of the military and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Commission also champions free exercise and expression of faith in our nation’s military institutions.

World Relief
We work through World Relief in bringing humanitarian assistance to suffering people in the name of Christ in the United States and throughout the world. World Relief ministries focus on poverty, disease, hunger, persecution and the effects of war and disasters.


Representation, Evangelical Alliance - Country