Event menu Missio Nexus 2020, Mission Leaders Conference

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To be held in Orlando, FL

The Great Commission: What is Our Goal?

We live in a time in which the entire foundation of the Western worldview is shifting under our feet. Long trusted foundational ideas, from identity to history, are being reconsidered and redefined. Some are swept away in a matter of months while others stubbornly hang on. Both theology and missiology are being challenged and reshaped by the deconstruction brought on by post-modern thought and post-Christian philosophy. As these shifts occur, how do we understand the Great Commission and obey it?

Join over 1,000 other mission leaders to reflect on the command Jesus gave us to disciple the nations. Network with those who are doing the Great Commission. Hear from workshop presenters on specific areas of interest. Initiate collaboration efforts and be encouraged that you are not fighting the good fight alone.