Keynote Speakers

Dr. Edmound Teo

Edmound Teo is the Senior Pastor of International Christian Assembly, Hong Kong. Ed Teo and his staff team hosted the first Global Church for a Global World conference in 2016. The Hong Kong International Christian Assembly (ICA) is a pace setting church, in addition to their English services, ICA offers worship on Sunday in eight other languages. ICA has been a tremendous blessing to the city, providing city wide activities celebrating the diversity of Hong Kong while lifting up the name of Jesus. God has placed in Ed’s heart a mandate to respond to the challenge of the global world by equipping the church to be more global in ministry and mindset. He calls this a ‘Global church’ – to act locally and impact globally.” Come join us in Dubai and hear from Ed himself the challenges and victories of pastoring a multi-cultural church in a city like Hong Kong.

Dr. Leighton Ford

Dr. Leighton Ford, was noted in Time Magazine as “among the most influential preachers of an active Gospel.” Dr. Ford has been an advocate for such issues as world hunger, poverty and racism. He received the “Two Hungers Award” in 1990 in recognition of his contributions in addressing the physical and spiritual hungers of people around the world. Dr. Ford was vice-president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, where he served for 31 years. As an author of 11 books, he addresses leadership in his book, “Transforming Leadership”, published by InterVarsity Press. As a mentor, he has spent the last quarter century pouring himself into younger men and women through Leighton Ford Ministries. Dr. Ford will be with us in Dubai via video, providing our “life time” lesson segments.

CB Samuel

C.B. Samuel is an Itinerant Bible Teacher, equipping the Church with Biblical resources on Leadership, Spiritual Formation and Mission. CB and his wife, Selina, live in Delhi and also minister in a local University. CB is also a Theological Advisor for EFICOR (an Indian Evangelical Integral Mission Organisation) and Micah Global. CB and Selina are also involved as Associate Fieldworkers with TEAR Australia.