European Evangelical Alliance - EEA

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Número de telefone
+ 31 (0) 343 513 693




The EEA exists to foster unity and evangelical identity and provide a voice and platform to evangelical Christians. Seeking empowerment by the Holy Spirit, it extends the Kingdom of God by proclamation of the Gospel to all nations and by Christ-centred transformation within society.

The European Evangelical Alliance brings together both the national Evangelical Alliances of Europe and a large number of pan-European mission agencies. It has existed as a regional group since the 1950’s, but traces its roots to the 1846 conference at which the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) was established. It is the European section of the WEA.  Seeking Christ-like transformation in Europe, the European Evangelical Alliance serves as the dynamic centre for equipping and resourcing, the European wide trusted Evangelical voice, and the connecting hub for greater strategic impact.

We aim to think globally and act locally, nationally and regionally. Our goal is to help one another to be contemporary Christian communities which both transform and redeem our wider communities. The EEA encourages national Alliances to serve one another, and seeks to develop national Evangelical Alliances where they do not yet exist.

Our mission can be best summarized with the words: Connect, Equip & Represent

Connie Main Duarte and Jan Wessels, who have been appointed as the new General Secretaries of the European Evangelical Alliance! Feb, 2022


Foco do assunto
Evangelical Alliance - Regional, Representation